We’re releasing a yearbook on the one-year anniversary of writers club next month!! HELLA excited. So I polished up a reflections piece, and I’m in the process of editing a freaky piece for it.
I’m spending more time than I expected making design decisions for this small contract I’m working on. It’s incredibly hard to keep 80/20 in mind and not obsess over the tiny details. I like making a figma come to life! But alas, that life is behind us now in the age of (agentic) AI and so I am making my head grow so it may don more hats.
I worked out this week! Twice! Cult fit group classes are murder, but I’m so pleased every time I go because there’a always 2-3 people struggling harder than me and they’re always gym bros that can’t touch their toes.
I also injured my ATFL because I kept my ankle stretched out a certain way over 90 minutes while eating hotpot. I get up from a fantastic meal and almost go down in the sheer sharp pain. Two days of heat packs and not stressing it have done me good though. I really don’t want to go to the doc. Let’s see.
Therapy this week was intense but in the best way. I'm so lucky to have found my current therapist and that they’re able to help me acknowledge and work towards spaces for growth without judging me. I realised that I don’t really know how to push myself while still being kind to myself - they felt like opposites? And being kind meant that it was okay to let things go. This isn’t actually true - you can and should do these things together. Kindness comes from empathy, and you hold the empathy for yourself by acknowledging where you are and that you’re struggling, and then you push yourself by reminding yourself why you want to do the thing. I don’t think I’m articulating this very well, but this framing unlocked something for me.
It’s been a little hard getting back into the routine of life after Goa. Last Wednesday and Thursday were a wash. Spent lots of time with people Friday onwards and I think it’s better now though - family, three different kinds of friends, girliepop potluck. I’m surprised at myself - I’ve made the transition to working from outside the home almost completely. I can’t remember the last time I sat at my desk and got something done. I have been working from home, but it’s writing and it’s from my couch. Sometimes with friends, sometimes alone, but it’s nice to get dressed up and then go somewhere else to be annoyed by other people’s loud mobile notifications.
I sat behind the drums this week after 7 years, and I’m ashamed to say that I barely remember what limb independence means any more. I am attempting to convince/cajole/bribe my drum kit owning friend to move to Cooke Town. Let’s see how that goes.
I haven’t done jigsaw puzzles in a while - then this week I did 4! It’s confirmed - I love gradient puzzles. This one that Nirbheek was kind enough to let me borrow is such a beauty. I also really enjoyed the Bangalore Puzzle Pals meet-up that I finally attended! If you’re in town please go :)
Duolingo has been really annoying me[using ai, amber heard stuff, can’t do speaking exercises despite paying for it, non-existent customer suppport], so I’m in the process of reviewing like 20 other apps to figure out the way forward with Mandarin. Expect a comprehensive update next week!
Media Diet
After last week’s bumper crop I don’t have too much to report.
- Made more progress on Rohin Bhatt’s The Urban Elite vs Union of India. I continue to highly recommend it - even as it brings up emotions and bitter feelings there is a thread of hope woven through the narrative, and I think that’s quite powerful. We discussed it this week at Queer Reads Bangalore, and I especially recommend reading it alongside some people. If you don’t have people to read it with, please email me! I’ll be happy to discuss this with you as you do.
- Started and DNFed Mackenzie Lee’s The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue. Notes on Goodreads.
- I also started reading The Raven Boys as an audiobook on the recommendation of someone from QRB. I went in blind and it’s an interesting premise so far, let’s see how it goes!
Maybe I should have posted this as part of games earlier. IDK. I’ve become re-obsessed with Sudoku over the last three or so months. If you’d like to get into it, I highly highly recommend They have a campaign mode which will take you from super basic to very advanced, and they have lots of types of sudokus as well - my favourite alt is The Killer Sudoku - but my absolute favourite feature by them is that they have a small but very active community of people who post the most insane stuff you can’t procedurally generate. I really like the puzzles from Hanson and Wypan. Give it a look - and please tell me where else on the web I can find similar kinds of sudokus!
I played half of Limbo because it was on the switch lite Ankush sold me and I (once again) confused it for Night In the Woods. Eh. Maybe I don’t hate platformers as much any more (maybe I have gotten better at video game controls) but I still detest puzzle-type games that are not open-world. I have now graduated to not going anywhere near gore to reading about it lots (Dungeon Crawler Carl represent!) and even writing some but I still can’t stomach gruesome death scenes.
I want a chill, joyful game for the switch that’s reminiscent of Stardew Valley or A Short Hike. Maybe even something like FTL. Animal Crossing won’t work because I don’t want to be pulled into logging in every day. I’m not looking for an interior decoration game. I also don’t want something from a franchise (stop shilling Pokemon or Fire Emblem at me- you know who you are!!!). What should I pick up?