The weight of learning is upon me. I’ve been doing the astro tutorial quite religiously, and in the process I’ve learnt that I have many opinions on frameworks and javascript. It’s a comforting feeling, and validating my skill as an engineer. Maybe I’ll write them up one day.
Akila is learning how to make websites too, and I am pumped! I love teaching programming concepts, it makes things crystal clear in my head. Also, gmeet calls debugging terminal things at 0030 are a great way to feel alive. Been thinking that maybe I have had too much work life balance lately.
Spent a weekend with the nesting partner after a long time. Met his friends from out of town, and it filled me with so much love. We ate steak at Millers46, drank mulled wine, and reminded ourselves why we actually like each other.
A friend is going through a hard time with a relationship and I've spent lots of time to support them. Ankur and I dropped them to the airport! We saw the metro tracks being laid next to the highway and I can’t wait to be able to take (more reliable) public transport to the airport in my city.
After RC Coworking on Tuesday I went to Puzzled Pint. My first PP was in 2018 when I had just started interning at Obvious (Co-incidentally, my first PP was with Chandra, whom I ran into again yesterday!). I stopped going two years ago because I felt like I wasn’t having fun, and I just had too much else going on. But yesterday was excellent! I think it really helped that the friends I was with were highly focused and efficient 😁
I had a terrible migraine last Wednesday that carried over to Thursday. On Monday I went to an ENT who told me the itch in my throat doesn’t have a presentation in my throat and might be coming from somewhere else. I still haven’t gone to the dermatologist.
This last week has been a flare week for me, which meant I was back to losing mornings, but today morning I came back strong! Let’s hope this is prescient of the flare going away for now until next time.
I have gone to the gym at least once a week for 6 weeks in a row now! 🥳
Language is so inefficient for communication. Reading RSS feeds is so much nicer for the brain than reading social media posts (even if they’re heavily curated). I have an itch to build a more disparate, professional community again. Breathing is underrated.
Media diet
Watching: Blue Eye Samurai Reading: I updated all my reads for this year (and left review dumps on some of them!) over at goodreads.